These are CASE FILES relevant to
the abduction & murder of ADAM WALSH,
compiled by Willis Morgan


For the real story of the Adam Walsh case visit:






- A Note from Willis Morgan -


The Hollywood Police Department Records:

These are the files Thomas Julin fought for and the HPD wanted no one to see. Now everyone gets to see these free public records.​


The State Attorney’s Office Records:
On January 4, 2012, I received a call from Susan Seltzer, public records custodian for the State Attorney’s Office. She told me that all eight boxes (7,812 pages) of the records had been sent to CopyScan to be put onto a CD-ROM.
On January 17, 2012, I finally received these records, after eight months of hounding them with phone calls, e-mails, and going down in person to the records department, without assistance from my attorney.
That itself was an achievement!




The photograph of Adam Walsh (at top of page) is courtesy of Michael Hopkins of Gerlinde Photography and The Hollywood Historical Society